The goal of the programme is to succeed in JEE (Advanced) with maximum results. The program also helps in preparing the students for International Olympiad and Other Scholastic Competitive Examinations.
Know MoreThe goal of the programme is to succeed in JEE (Main & Advanced) with maximum results. The program also helps in preparing the students for International Olympiad and Other Scholastic Competitive Examinations.
Know MoreIBM course is designed for giving an advantage to the students who are currently in 10th standard by preparing them after board examinations.This course is to help students for JEE mains.
Know MoreThe course is designed for hassle-free education for students who have supplemental focus on innovation.The syllabus is prescribed in according to the AP board of intermediate education.
Know MoreAchieve significant improvement in just one year in your preparation by raising your IQ i.e. sharpen analytical skills & mental ability and evolve your thinking process, which will help you get into an IIT’s / NIT’s with a desired Rank. You may be able to improve your JEE Main & JEE Advanced Rank from below 5000 to Top 100. That’s not all, this rigorous preparation will build sound fundamentals and brace you for engineering studies.
Know MoreWe’re all about doing what we love; doing it the best. Our constant drive to
ourselves and make a difference in the world isn’t just talk. It’s built into
who we
are. Because when we see an opportunity to make a difference, we don’t wait for
else to step up....
We offer you the smartest way to learn. Do you think that’s a bold claim? It is. AND IT’S TRUE. Our instructors are industry pros and our classes are intentionally taught by our full-time lecturers and Deans. Why? Because our focus is on you from day ONE
Our 5 years LAKSHYA foundation programme in school and 2 years LAKSHYA Classroom Contact Program is impetus and the motivating force that provides an ideal launch pad for the steadfast and resolutely devoted JEE aspirants.
IIT Selections
NIT Selections
IIIT Selection
I would like to thank Lakshya team for their heartiest contribution to make my way to IIT. I found the best faculty I have ever seen. I am highly obliged to Sridhar Sir for his contribution to make me motivated, inspired during toughest times. Bharadwaj chakka
"I enjoyed being a student of Lakshya. Faculty are quite hardworking and helpful. I found best environment I ever had in my life. I feel so lucky and thankful to Lakshya for guiding me, inspiring me to achieve my goals." M karthikeya Varma
"Lakshya proved to a good institute for me. It played a great role in getting me to IIT Kharagpur. 1. The way of teaching and doubt solving of teachers is pretty good. 2. A perfect Study material. 3. Effective Time Table. 4. Pep Talks. Think IIT, Think Lakshya”
Thank you Lakshya team, you gave me these priceless two years and I never felt like I am preparing for one of the toughest exams in world ! I don't have enough vocabulary to thank you all..!
To ensure an ambience for studies, e provide Air – Conditioning System for all our Classrooms, Library and hostel rooms.
Smart and spacious classrooms equipped with LCD projector, podia
and audio
systems that provide accurate environment for student’s
lateral growth.
Our Library is a rich repository for
latest editions of books. We have a
collection that supports references
for all competitive examinations at Intermediate level,
We established well-equipped
science and Geo labs with all necessary instruments
for our students to have hands on
We understand that student life is long term and sports are very important means
to refresh oneself. Hence, a spacious play ground is provided in
our college with all
necessary sports items to offer exercise to body and mind.
Our College hostel is designed for
both boys and girls we provide a safe,
convenient, and affordable living space with rooms for students who are pursuing in our
institution.We often provide amenities like food, laundry facilities, and security measures.